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Flat White Gets Google Doodle Love

Google on Monday unveiled a doodle celebrating the day ‘flat white‘ was added to the Oxford dictionary. The doodle entitled ‘Celebrating the Flat White’ replaced the search engine giant’s logo on its home page. This recognition by one of the world’s most prestigious dictionaries is a testament to the growing popularity and cultural significance of this beloved coffee beverage.

What is Flat White Coffee?


Originating in Australia and New Zealand, the flat white coffee is a harmonious blend of espresso and steamed milk, with a distinct velvety microfoam layer on top. Unlike a latte, which features more milk and a thicker layer of foamed milk, the flat white boasts a more intense coffee flavour and a smoother, silkier texture.

The Art of Brewing the Perfect Flat White

Crafting the perfect flat white coffee is a delicate balance of technique and precision. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you master this art at home:

Step 1: Choose Your Beans

The quality of your coffee beans plays a crucial role in the flavour of your flat white. Opt for high-quality, freshly roasted beans with a rich, full-bodied taste. Some popular choices include Colombian, Kenyan, and Indonesian varietals.

Step 2: Brew the Espresso

Pull a shot of espresso using your preferred method – whether it’s a manual or semi-automatic espresso machine. The ideal shot should have a rich, syrupy consistency with a golden-brown crema on top.

Step 3: Steam the Milk

Steaming the milk is where the magic happens. Use a milk pitcher and a steam wand to create the perfect microfoam. The key is to incorporate just the right amount of air into the milk, creating a smooth, velvety texture without excessive froth or bubbles.

Step 4: Pour and Enjoy

Once you’ve achieved the perfect microfoam, carefully pour the steamed milk into your espresso shot. The milk should gently fold into the espresso, creating a beautifully layered beverage with a distinct, silky surface.

video by coffeefusion
video by Dero_De_Barista

Flat White vs. Latte: What’s the Difference?

flat-white-vs-latte by coffeeholi.com

While both the flat white and the latte are espresso-based beverages, there are a few notable differences:

  1. Milk Ratio: Flat whites typically contain less milk than lattes, resulting in a stronger coffee flavour.
  2. Milk Texture: The flat white features a velvety microfoam layer on top, while lattes have a thicker, drier foam layer.
  3. Flavour Profile: Due to the milk ratio and texture, flat whites have a more intense coffee flavour, while lattes are creamier and sweeter.

Best Coffee Beans for Flat White Coffee

To truly savour the rich, bold flavours of a flat white, it’s essential to choose high-quality coffee beans. Here are some of our top picks:

  1. Colombian Supremo: Known for its balanced, full-bodied flavour with hints of caramel and chocolate.
  2. Kenyan AA: Boasting a bright, fruity acidity and a complex flavour profile.
  3. Sumatra Mandheling: A bold, earthy coffee with notes of dark chocolate and a smooth, syrupy body.

Flat White Coffee Near Me

If you’re craving a professionally crafted flat white but don’t have the time or equipment to brew one at home, fear not! Many speciality coffee shops and cafés around the world now offer this beloved beverage on their menus. Simply search for “flat white coffee near me” to find the nearest establishment serving this delightful drink.

Whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or a newcomer to the world of flat whites, this ultimate guide has everything you need to know to appreciate and savour this exquisite beverage. So, why wait? Indulge in the rich, velvety goodness of a perfectly crafted flat white coffee today!

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Celebrating the Flat White

Google Doodle celebrates flat white coffee beverage with animated illustration

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