keep yourself cool and hydrated this summer

7 Ways to Keep Yourself Cool and Hydrated This Summer

As the summer sun blazes and temperatures soar, keeping cool and hydrated isn’t just about comfort—it’s essential for your health. Overheating and dehydration can quickly spoil your summer fun and even lead to serious health issues. But fear not! With a few smart strategies, you can stay refreshed and ready to enjoy all that the sunny season has to offer. Let’s dive into seven effective ways to keep yourself cool and hydrated this summer.

1. Drink Plenty of Water

stay hydrated in summer

Water is your best friend when it comes to staying hydrated. During the summer, you need more than the usual eight glasses a day. Depending on your activity level and the heat, you might need to drink even more.

So, how do you know if you’re getting enough hydration? Pay attention to your body’s signals. Feeling thirsty is the most obvious sign, but other indicators include dry mouth, headaches, and dark yellow urine. Keep a water bottle handy, and make it a habit to sip regularly, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

2. Incorporate Hydrating Foods

Hydrating foods for summer

Did you know that you can eat your way to better hydration? Many fruits and vegetables are packed with water, making them perfect summer snacks1. Watermelon, cucumbers, strawberries, and oranges are not just delicious—they’re over 90% water!

These foods do more than quench your thirst. They also provide essential vitamins and minerals that help keep your body functioning smoothly, staying cool and hydrated in the heat. So, next time you’re craving a snack, reach for a juicy piece of fruit or a crunchy veggie.

3. Use Electrolyte-Infused Drinks

electrlolytes for body

While water is great, sometimes you need an extra boost. That’s where electrolyte-infused drinks come in. Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and magnesium help your body maintain fluid balance and muscle function helping your body stay cool and hydrated.

Sports drinks, coconut water, and specially formulated electrolyte beverages can be beneficial if you’re sweating a lot. However, be mindful of their sugar content. Opt for low-sugar versions or make your own with a mix of water, a pinch of salt, and a splash of citrus juice.

4. Wear Lightweight, Breathable Clothing

light weight and breathable clothes

Your wardrobe can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel in the heat. Lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton and linen allow your skin to breathe and help sweat evaporate more quickly, which cools you down.

Avoid dark colours, which absorb heat, and opt for light shades that reflect the sun. Loose-fitting clothes are also better than tight ones, as they allow air to circulate around your body.

5. Seek Shade and Avoid Peak Sun Hours

tree shades the natural barrier against scorching heat

The sun is at its strongest between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., so try to schedule outdoor activities outside of these hours. If you have to be out during peak times, seek out shade whenever possible.

Umbrellas, trees, and buildings can provide much-needed relief from direct sunlight. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses can also help protect your face and eyes from the sun’s harsh rays.

6. Use Cooling Accessories

cooling gadegts

Cooling accessories can be a game-changer in hot weather. There are plenty of options, from cooling towels and neck wraps to portable fans and ice packs.

These items work by absorbing moisture and providing a cooling effect as they evaporate. For instance, soaking a towel in cold water and draping it around your neck can instantly cool you down. Some accessories, like gel packs, can be frozen and provide extended cooling relief.

7. Take Cool Showers or Baths

cold baths in summer

A cool shower or bath can quickly lower your body temperature. When it’s particularly hot, even splashing some cold water on your wrists or face can make a significant difference.

The temperature of the water doesn’t have to be ice-cold to be effective. Lukewarm water can also be refreshing and is less shocking to your system. Try to take a few cool showers throughout the day if you’re feeling overheated.

Stay Active, but Smart

Staying active in summer is important, but you need to be smart about it. Exercise during the cooler parts of the day, like early morning or late evening, and avoid strenuous activities during peak heat.

Choose shaded or indoor locations for your workouts when possible. And remember to hydrate before, during, and after your exercise. Listening to your body and knowing when to take it easy can prevent heat-related illnesses.

Understand Your Body’s Signals

Your body is constantly giving you signals about its state. Heat exhaustion and heatstroke are serious conditions that can sneak up on you if you’re not careful.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion include heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, nausea, and a fast, weak pulse. If you experience these, move to a cooler place, drink water, and rest.

Heatstroke is more severe and includes symptoms like a high body temperature (above 103°F), hot, red, dry or damp skin, a rapid, strong pulse, and possible unconsciousness. If you suspect heatstroke, seek medical attention immediately.

Utilize Fans and Air Conditioning Wisely

Fans and air conditioning can be lifesavers in the summer heat. Ceiling fans should rotate counterclockwise to push cool air down. Place portable fans near windows or doorways to create a cross-breeze that helps circulate cooler air.

With air conditioning, set the thermostat to a comfortable temperature and use energy-saving settings to maintain efficiency. Close blinds or curtains during the hottest part of the day to keep the indoor temperature down.

Embrace a Cool and Hydrated Summer

Summer is a fantastic time to enjoy the outdoors, but staying cool and hydrated is crucial to making the most of it. By following these tips—drinking plenty of water, eating hydrating foods, using cooling accessories, and more—you can beat the heat and have a refreshing, enjoyable summer.

Remember, it’s all about listening to your body and taking proactive steps to keep cool. With these strategies in your toolkit, you’ll be ready to handle whatever the summer sun throws your way.


How much water should I drink daily during the summer?
The general recommendation is at least 8 glasses (2 litres) a day, but in the summer, you might need more, especially if you’re active. Listen to your body and drink whenever you feel thirsty or show signs of dehydration.

Are sports drinks better than water for staying hydrated?
Sports drinks can be helpful if you’re sweating a lot and need to replenish electrolytes. However, for regular hydration, water is usually the best choice due to its lack of added sugars and calories.

What are some signs that I am not staying cool enough?
Signs include excessive sweating, feeling dizzy or lightheaded, rapid heartbeat, and feeling unusually tired. These can be early indicators of heat exhaustion or dehydration.

Can certain foods help me stay cool?
Yes, foods with high water content like watermelon, cucumbers, and berries can help keep you hydrated. Spicy foods can also stimulate sweating, which can have a cooling effect.

What should I avoid doing in extreme heat?
Avoid intense physical activities during the hottest parts of the day, heavy meals, and drinking alcohol or caffeine, which can dehydrate you. Also, stay away from direct sun exposure for prolonged periods without protection.


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